- Work Confirmation Forms:Form A,B,C,D,E endorsed by Architect and Form E by registered Engineer
- Structure and calculation drawing by registered Engineer
- Geotechnic or independent checker by registered Engineer (For high risk area such as building exceeds 5 floors, building at ex-mine area and building at hill area)
- JKR – certification from consultant. JPS - certification from consultant
- Certification from Technical Agencies (based on checklist B) External Technical Agency. Sewerage Services Department (JPP). Fire and Rescue Department, Malaysia (JBPM)* Internal Technical Agency, PBT (if any). Building Department. Planning Department. Engineering Department. Landscape Department. Town Services Department
- I hereby certify that the infrastructure, building and surrounding area for the above proposal has been completed in line with amendment of Development and Uniform Building By-Laws Order 1994 and enforced amendment, particularly on items that I have marked (/) in this checklist.
- Attached herewith I submit issuance application for Certificate of Fitness for the project.
- I understand that this checklist covers basic requirements only and I have to refer to Development and Uniform Building by-Laws Order that currently enforce for comprehensive and details requirements.
- I also understand that this SKM will be rejected in case of failing to adhere to checklist or giving false statement.
Note :
a) A copy of this checklist must be submitted with relevant letters. The qualified person who submitted the plan is required to mark (/) at appropriate spaces.
b) This checklist is not necessarily required to SKM application for:
- Additional building works/renovation of existing building.
- Buiding of private dwelling house.
c) This application is not valid until getting certification from Technical Assistant/ Building Engineer/ Architect, Building and Architecture Department, MPAJ. d) The developer must settle payment of SKM copy for each individual unit.