logo MPAJ
Logo Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (the council) developed for symbolize for commitment the council's towards the advancement in giving a quality service and focused excellence work culture while meeting the need the population as a whole Ampang Jaya
Letters Design M.P.A.J
The council letters at logo the desgned to symbolize all development of a carefully bplanned in order to create a clean and beatiful environment. Also display the effectivenss and effectivenss and efficiency of the council in implementing the tasks and role of the council as a service provider
The Word Municipalities Ampang Jaya
The logo that surround the council shows that it is responsible in all administrative affairs
Elements Tree
Element tree appearing in the council's logo symbolizes towards the earth green and always accentuate cleanliness
Elements Industry And Housing
Perindustrian Perumahan dan Perkilangan adalah simbolik kepada kesempurnaan perancangan ke arah kepesatan pembangunan dan persekitaran Ampang Jaya.