Aging is part of our life. It can be filled with positive and meaningful experiences.

Several changes will happen in aging. Among these are:-

  • The feeling of loneliness and quietness due to the loss of a spouse, the loss of friends, away from our own children, and having difficulty to move around
  • Financial difficulty because of retirement and the increasing expenses on medical treatments
  • Changes in our physical bodies such as slow and inefficient movements and reactions, poor memories, our muscles and joints are getting weaker, poor vision and hearing, and difficulty in falling asleep.
  • The early symptoms suggesting that you are not able to adapt to aging include getting angry rapidly, always feeling tired, getting anxious all the time, prolonged sadness, difficulty to run daily errands, forgetfulness, sleeping problems and low appetites.

Guidelines For A Better Mental Health:-

  • Communicate/share your problems with others because others may be able to help you
  • Widen your social scopes such as meeting up with old friends or participating in activities, societies, or clubs.