WHAT IS HEPATITIS A: Hepatitis A is a contagious disease caused by virus. This disease happens frequently in filthy areas where the residents do not practice self-hygiene, eat clean food and keep their surroundings clean. The infection of disease may happen at any age.

The symptoms of Hepatitis A include fever, fatigure, a loss of appetitie, nausea, stomach ache, the eyes and skin become yellowish in color and the the urine is almost brownish in color.

How Would Hepatitis A spread:-

  • • The viruses of Hepatitis A are found in the faeces and the blood of a patient or a carrier. This virus enters our body via contaminated food and drinks. Food and drinks can be contaiminated.

The contamination of food and drinks by Hepatitis A virus could happen through the following methods:-

  • Not washing your hands with soaps each time after excreting faeces or before preparing your food.
  • Excreting faeces wherever you want to but not in the proper toilet (such as the flush toilet)
  • Taking uncovered food that was frequented by flies.
  • Eating fruits and vegetable that were not washed before hand.
  • A dirty surrounding inside as well as outside the house whereby flies and rats could breed
  • Drinking unboiled water which had been contaminated by Hepatitis A virus.

How would be able to avoid being infected by Hepatitis A:-

  • Eat only cooked food. During the outbreak season, avoid eating raw food or half cooked food (for examples, raw vegetables with rice, clams, or rojak)
  • Drink boiled water
  • Wash all the plates and cooking utensils with soaps and clean water.
  • Wash your hands with soaps and clean water before eating, before preparing food and after visiting the toilet.
  • Cover all the food so as to be frequented by flies.
  • Use a completely equipped toilet.
  • Keep the surroundings of the house clean so as to prevent the breeding of flies.