INTRODUCTION: Domestic flies are found within and around the households, either in the villages or in cities with low cleaniness. There are several types of flies, including the domestic fly, the large bluish fly, meat fly, and pen fly.

WHAT IS SO DANGEROUS ABOUT FLIES: Flies have long been associated with the pathogenic bacteria that may cause disease to an indivual or the entire family. Examples of diseases carried by flies include dysentery, diarrhea, typhoid, infection of enteritis worms and food poisoining.

CONDITIONS THAT PROMOTE THE BREEDING OF FLIES: Flies are attracted to human faeces and animal fertilizers and various of other places such as plants/fruits, trashes, garden trashes, animal faeces and food remnants.

PREVENTION AND CONTROL: The presence of flies is mainly due to the presence of human faeces, animal fertilizers, the ineffective management of food remnants and other trashes. Controling flies requires the elimination of their breeding ground, the destruction of larva and adult flies rendering them difficult to find food. The elimination of flies depends primarily on the cleanliness of our surrounding and the use of effective insecticides, effective poisonous baits, electrical grids and traps. Other measures include keeing our surroundings clean, keeping our household clean neat, and implementing the proposed control measures. The target area of insecticide control encompasses food premises, restaurants, households, animal farms, slaughter houses, and food factories.

Flies and Their Control Measures:-

  • Trashes should be bagged before they are being trashed
  • Trash cans should be cleaned and kept tightly closed all the time
  • Food should be covered or kept in a cabinet so as to avoid being contaminated by flies
  • Lit up a candle and use an electrical insect repeller to keep the flies away from the uncovered food
  • Keep the surroundings inside as well as outside the dining hall clean
  • Implement an effective method of managing the trashes
  • Adult flies should be killed with the spray of insecticides
  • Conduct campigns of keeping our surroundings clean
  • Report to the Local Authority for unsatisfactory management of cleaniness.  For example, trashes not being removed.